Finding ‘The One’

Taking that first step along the journey with a new advisor is not an easy decision.  Some you connect with. Some you want to run away from. The key to success is to trust your gut and ask yourself if there is a connection. As with any relationship, this starts with a common understanding, trust in each […]

Activity is Not Achievement

I recently finished reading the book ‘Power of Human’ by Adam Waytz, a psychologist and author from Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University, detailing how ‘Busyness’ has become a key metric for success within society. Those in our world we perceive as ‘Busy’ are clearly ‘important’ and surely provide immense value. As opposed to […]

The Journey from Data Disarray to Business Triumph

Are you making full use of your business data? When advising business owners on how to understand their metrics, my first question always is – where does this metric sit in your POS/CRM/sales system? Sadly, I often receive responses such as ‘we use spreadsheets to clean the data’ or ‘the data in my system contains […]

Embrace Your Inner Genius and Get Out of the Way

Stepping onto the business battlefield is like becoming a contestant in a nerve-wracking, high-stakes game show. One of the key trials you’ll face is finding that shiny, golden buzzer of self-realisation – deciphering your Genius. So you’ve finally started your business empire, and bam! Suddenly, you’re surrounded by an avalanche of advice, directions, and opinions, […]