Profit is not the endpoint – it’s a journey

In today’s dynamic business world, where changes are frequent and sometimes seismic, understanding the art of achieving profitable operations is more than a desirable skill—it’s an imperative. While profitability might often be perceived as the endpoint, it’s essential to view it as a journey, an ongoing process that requires acute attention, constant adaptation, and an […]

Cash is King

Understanding Free Cash Flow for Long-Term Growth Do you know your free cash flow? Just last week, I engaged with two successful businesses puzzled by their stunted growth, despite having a robust business model and a healthy profit & loss (P&L) statement. Why the Stalemate? They neglected that most important rule in business, that Cash […]

Data Quality: Garbage In, Garbage Out

Data Quality: Why It Is the Cornerstone of Your Business Success Garbage in, garbage out. Data quality is key. We live in the age of information, and ignorance is a decision. With more and more integrated data systems (accounting / CRM / POS) available, understanding business metrics has never been easier, yet never more challenging. Technology […]

Finding ‘The One’

Taking that first step along the journey with a new advisor is not an easy decision.  Some you connect with. Some you want to run away from. The key to success is to trust your gut and ask yourself if there is a connection. As with any relationship, this starts with a common understanding, trust in each […]

Activity is Not Achievement

I recently finished reading the book ‘Power of Human’ by Adam Waytz, a psychologist and author from Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University, detailing how ‘Busyness’ has become a key metric for success within society. Those in our world we perceive as ‘Busy’ are clearly ‘important’ and surely provide immense value. As opposed to […]